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HR Magazine (2012):


Over 27 million working days were lost last year and of those 10.4 million were due to work-related stress, according to the annual Health and Safety Executive (HSE) statistics, published in 2012.


The HSE Annual Statistics Report found that a company, which employs someone suffering from work-related stress, would lose up to 24 days per case.


As an employer you know your duty of care and what is expected of you when it comes to safeguarding your employees, but, is that enough?


If work-related stress is causing so many lost days, what else can you do to help your employees find some release from those everyday stressful situations?


Sing2014 encourages a way of breaking stress related patterns of thought, allowing your employees to become more relaxed, more confident and more engaged.


In these challenging times, your workforce is the heart and soul of your business. If you know your employees, reward them and help develop them, your business will benefit.







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